

“To Love the People of the World by striving to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ”


Planting the seed of God’s love;

Nurturing its growth in the Word;

Sharing its harvest with the world.


Belonging to the Body of Christ

Becoming more like Jesus

Being with Jesus in ministry


Rev. Terry Brown


Terry Brown is a graduate of the Course of Study from Appalachian Local Pastors School in Barbourville, KY. He heard God’s call at 21 after being discharged from the Navy and was led to teach Jr. High Sunday School. It was at Valley UM in Conneautville where he and his wife Kathy both taught and served as youth leaders. He spent 30 years leading youth to Christ, then eight years teaching the over 65 class. For many years he served as a Certified Lay Speaker and filled the pulpit in many churches in the Crawford County area.

Terry and his wife Kathy have been married 50 years, with two grown children, and five grandsons. Their daughter is the pianist at Lake Pleasant UM and their son served as pastor at Hydetown. They have always worked as a team in ministry,  serving part of that time at Meadville Medical Center in the Stepping Stones program as volunteer counselors to families of alcoholics and drug addicts. Terry has served as a Scout Master, as a Fireman, Fire Police, and EMT. He sang as a lead in Yesterday’s Sound Barbershop chorus and the MBRRS quartet as well as the tree topper in Conneaut Lake Trinity UM living Christmas tree. While pastoring at Enterprise he was a cook at the Titusville Food Pantry. He is retired after 41 years as a Master Electrician from Meadville Forging. Have reached mandatory retirement age, Terry will gain the status of a retired local pastor, but will continue to serve in this new appointment as a part-time retired local pastor.

Terry and Kathy have served at Diamond UM, Diamond/Enterprise charge, and the New Ireland/Lake Pleasant charge. They are excited to have been called to serve by pastoring the Wattsburg/Phillipsville charge.

laura lloyd


Laura joined the congregation at 12 years old when her family became members of the Wattsburg United Methodist Church.  Although life has taken her into another church in her new community she has come back to serve as secretary for the charge in which she grew up.  

groups within our churches

Whatever your interest or ability we welcome you to join any of our groups. Do you have a group that you would like to see started? Please tell us about it, we’d love to know more.

Both Congregations

Men visit Chosen-the first Wednesday of each month at 8:00 am the men travel to Chosen to disassemble equipment for parts and scrap purposes; to supply medical equipment around the world. All men are welcome to join. The team enjoy lunch together at 12:00 pm.

Kids Alive!-is an outreach of local area churches for Wattsburg Area School children in grades 1-4. Kids Alive! programs are the second Tuesday of each month from September through March. The lessons are based on the Word of God, the Bible, and emphasize the basic truths of Christianity. Planning for the monthly program takes place on Tuesday mornings starting in July. 


Dorcas Circle-meet the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am. The women work on varying sewing projects to donate to local organizations. No skill is needed. They enjoy a lunch together after.


Choir-vocal and bell choirs run September through May with rehearsals alternating between choirs every other Wednesday at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

Phillipsville Men-meet Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am for fellowship and work projects around the church.

Phillipsville Women-meet the second Sunday every other month following worship. All women are encouraged to attend.

our district

The Erie-Meadville District is a place of extreme diversity. Within it’s borders are every expression of faith and life, from a large city down to a undeveloped wildlife reserve. We live, worship, serve, reach out care because of our love for our Savior. 

our conference

The Western Pennsylvania Conference is made up of about 800 local churches in 23 counties. The Conference serves as a connection between the worldwide United Methodist Church and the congregations in the region.

global church

The United Methodists share a great deal with other demoninations. Explore what we believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and more.